Here a shot from Klaus that I worked on during months. It was a really challenging and ambitious shot that I leaded from the begenning to the very end. This shot was painted frame by frame basically, with my super cool flatmate, coworkers and friends Thibaut Denise and Gabriel Gomez , then Guillem Ramisa De Soto, one of the compositing supervisor picked up everything and did the first and last cycle in comp. I can be proud to share it with you. (btw, Jesper is smoking a joint in a frame, I let you find this one guys). Let me explain you more about the process guys.
Sergio Pablos had a very specific Idea about what it should looks like in term of timing and animation. At the very early stage the art director Szymon Biernacki did a very strong story board version of it. I basically stuck to this, picked up the base modelling of the post office and reworked on the mesh and added details to make it better and stick to the original concept of Szymon.
Once the framing aprouved I just used the render as a base to paint the different ambiances and created a light setup cycle with a vray sun, with diferents type of shadows. This 3d scene was super helpfull cause I was able to render all the passes that I wanted to create a psd that would be the psd we used to paint all the different ambiances. I wanted to create an light setup and process for Thibaut and Gabriel, then we could just stick to that together.
Once the layout was approuved I did a color key of all the 18 different cycles we had to paint, with all the different steps, so 44 color keys.
Then we painted something like 75 backgrounds plus a few backgrounds key for final camp. Guillem did the final comp of the first and last cycle and gabriel integrated the ice melting in the far backdrop cause I was away.